Monday, November 30

Looking Forward
Here are some Winter Events Coming Up:
Dec 13 Christmas Party @ Cramer's House
**Come on over after the childrens musical at the church
Dec 31 All Nighter - 8pm-7am
Jan 9 WinterJam Concert in Fayetteville...details @
Feb 7 Super Bowl Party @ the VanVlacks House
Feb 19-21 Ski Trip to Winterplace WV...sign up now!!

Looking forward to an awesome winter!!

Monday, November 23

Check it out
We will be attending WinterJam in Fayetteville for the 3rd year in a row. This is an awesome concert, only $10 at the door.
Save this date on your calendar - January 9th.

Thursday, November 5

Come watch "A Christmas Carol" Saturday November 14th
We'll meet at church at 4:00pm
Bring $12 for the movie and we'll stop to eat dinner on the way there!
We'll return to the church by 11pm...We're going to the Raleigh IMAX Theatre
Call me or text me if you have any questions!

Thursday, September 3

There will not be any Youth Church this Sunday Night - Sept. 6
Enjoy the day off of school on Monday!!!!
We will be Ice Skating on Saturday - Sept. 12 Time will be announced and sent in a post card.

Monday, August 17

Thanks everybody for making last night an awesome youth church night. There will be youth church again at our house next sunday night August 23.
Any events that will be coming up in the next few weeks will be posted on here...right now, there aren't any plans for special events. Please stay posted on here for discussion and event information.

Love you guys
Pastor Aaron and Wendy!!

Monday, July 13

Baseball Game this WEEK

The Baseball Game is Thursday instead of Friday!!!
Everyone...I made a huge boo boo bout the game this week. The Sharks play at home on Thursday and not friday. Soooooo we will be going to the game on Thursday and Sleeping over our house to Friday. We leave the church @ 5:30pm on Thursday Afternoon...we'll get there early!

Guys be ready to sleep in tents...AWESOME....girls just bring a sleeping bag and pillow.

Had a great time last night playing mafia.
Thanks to everyone for making it an awesome time. We missed some of you guys so make sure your there next week!!
-Pastor Aaron

Tuesday, July 7

This week in the FCBC Student Ministries:
-we will be helping with Vacation Bible School...dinner is served at 5pm Wed - Sat. We'll help with the blow up toys the kids will be jumping on!! woo hooo
-Next Week - July 17 and 18th We'll be going to a Wilmington Sharks Baseball Game and sleeping over our house probly watching all 6 Star Wars Movies...yay.

-The week after - July 25 - We will be going to Wet and Wild in Greensboro...more details to come

-Also, we will be going to the beach again so plan on bringing some sun screen this time!!

Love you guys, can't wait for these events...keep God First in your life always...

Monday, June 22

Take a look at some of the events that are coming up this summer...check your calendar and make sure your there!!!!

Each Sunday Night this summer Church will be at the Cramer's House: In addition we will play games, have snacks, and enjoy awesome fellowship together.

1. Trip to Fort Fisher and NC State Aquarium - June 27 leave @ 10am
Be sure to bring money for food and for the aquarium. This will be a full day event.

2. Beach Day - Wrightsville Beach - June 29 leave @ 10:30am

3. 4th of July Cookout w/ Heartsong - July 4th
4. July 5th - Evening Concert w/ Heartsong from Cedarville University
5. July 8-11 VBS - we will help with the inflatable events for the kids
6. July 17-18 Wilmington Sharks Baseball Game and Sleepover @ Cramers
7. July 25 Wet n' Wild trip to Greensboro - full day event...details to follow

Wednesday, June 3

EVENTS in June!!

1. All Summer Worship Services will be held at the Cramer's you need directions. Just comment on this to ask or you can call or e mail me with the info on the right column.

2. Grad Sunday is June 14...there are 5 graduates this year...woo hoo

4. June 27 we will go to Fort Fisher and the NC Aquarium all day.

4. Monday June 29 we will be going to Wrightsville Beach for the day.

Tuesday, May 26

Andy's Night and This Weekend

Tonight is Andy's Night. Go to Andy's in Burgaw and give 10% of what you buy to our Student Ministry. I can't wait to see you there. Our church also has a softball game tonight so I won't be able to stay long at Andy's this time around, but I will be there to eat a burger at 5pm...Anybody want to meet there at 5??

Also, this weekend we are going to the Zoo on Saturday. ALL day 7am-9pm.

And on Sunday night everyone is invited to come over to our house (cramers) to hang out after church.

See ya

Monday, May 18

Awesome Paaaarty Last Night!

What an awesome paaaaarty last night. I had so much fun. I love this youth group..
We're gonna be doing this a lot more this summer so plan on being at Student Church all Summer!! Thanks for being awesome Guys!

Asheboro Zoo!!! Awesome

We're going to the ZOO!!! Saturday May 30. Be sure to bring $10 to get in
We'll also stop on the way and the way back for food. You will want to bring $$ for food at the zoo for lunch too...Thanks everybody.
This is gonna be AWESOME!!

Wednesday, May 6

Summer is Coming

To everyone looking forward to the end of the school year!!! We have a ton of stuff planned for the summer. You have to keep an eye out for postcards in the mail. I'll be updating this blog with info about summer activities as well. But the best way to know whats happening is by attending Sunday School on Sunday's @ 10:30 and Student Church Sunday's @ 6:00pm.

Each week this summer we will be meeting at my house (pastor aaron) for Student Church (this means we will also be able to play volleyball, hang out, play ping pong, play Wii, etc.) ALL SUMMER LONG!!!!

Cant wait for everyone to be done with school!!

Monday, April 20


Look forward to seeing many of the students in our ministry and invited friends enjoy a variety of awesome activities this spring and summer. Some of the events we have in the works:
-Aquarium Trip
-Zoo Trip
-Camping Trip
-Beach Trips
-Roller Skating
-All Nighters at the Cramers
-Super Sunday
-Games Madness
-Fire Nights
-Camp to the Woodlands
-Serve Food to Homeless
-Movie Nights
...And Many More (We're open to ideas just let us know!!)

Tuesday, March 31

It is without a doubt the most handicapping element of the teenagers life. Stress about school, parents, jobs, friends, relationships, college, etc. Everyone faces it and few deal with it properly. So how are we supposed to deal with stress?
The Bible says that we are not supposed to worry but "Seek first the kingdom of God...Matt 6:33" Can we really say that we seek first what God wants in our lives.

I think if we did this more we would probably have less stress. Our lives would not be filled with thinking about what will happen to us, but we will focus more on others and sharing Christ with others.

We just need to refocus our minds and thoughts to things of God...He will handel the rest!!
-Pastor Aaron

Monday, March 30

Hey Guys.
I'm pumped about the next couple of weeks. We've got a lot going on. Pray for Wendy and I as we get ready to move our stuff from our old house to the new house. Soon we'll be having parties over there!!

Easter Sunday there is NO Student Church. There isn't any evening church on Easter Sunday. We will pick it up on Sunday April 19th. We'll start a study in the book of Romans. This is an awesome book that deals with the teaching to Christians from one of the most knowledgable christians of all time. We'll make it simple and easy to apply. Come on out to check it out.

Pastor Aaron

Tuesday, February 3

The ski trip was an awesome experience to get to know more students from Friendly. This youth ministry is teaching me all about what it means to be a student in todays culture. Some of the struggles and burdens our teens face in 2009 are harder than what a lot of adults face on an everyday basis.
Anytime you face a struggle don't forget what Psalm 1 says. Its talking about a person who loves God: "He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper."
This is all about knowing that hard times will come. Hard times will come. But God has aleady planted you deep in Him.
Try to rely on Him even in the hard times.

Monday, January 19

Winterplace Ski Trip

Jan 30-Feb 1
Winterplace, WV

Get your deposits and permission slips in ASAP
Please Call or E mail with Questions