Thursday, January 21

This past Sunday night I kicked off a series on creation by discussing how big our God is and yet he cares for every one of us.

We mentioned things like if the earth were the size of a golf ball the sun would be 15' across. Does that not sound that big?

Well if earth were a golf ball and the sun were a school bus you could fill the entire school bus with golf balls. That's pretty big!

We didn't just talk about the sun...we talked about 4 stars in all.
Here's one more...Betelgeuse...we'll call it B.

B is 2 times as big as...not the sun...but the earths entire orbit around the sun. That is amazing! Imagine this with me for one minute. Get on a plane and fly to NYC and place the golf ball on the sidewalk outside of the empire state building, walk across the street, and look back at the ball. Imagine where you are on the golf ball. Now look up at the empire state building, and imagine 5 more on top of that. That is how big B is compared to earth. If earth were the size of a golf could fill the entire super dome with golf balls...3000 times...that is how big Betelgeuse is!!

And remember that there are Billions of gallaxies...and billions of stars...that we know of...all of them as massive as the next.

Now think about this. We look up at the sky every night and see the stars. We know they are massive and far away...but the same God that created the earth and the birds and people and the oceans and the mountains...the same God that formed the Bible...breathed out the stars. Ps.33:6 he didn't need to do anything but speak and all the stars proceeded from his mouth. Now that is amazing.

that same God made you...75 trillion cells each of which contains 6 feet of dna. If you were to take the DNA from your body and stretch it out you could go to the moon and back...175 times. Our God is amazing. Oh and by the way...did you know that the day you were conceived all of that DNA was contained in one cell. And that DNA contains every piece of information about you.

When you were 3 days your mom that were only 16cells and you could fit on the tip of a safety pin. For Real...And God knows what your personality is like, your smile, the color of your eyes, how many hairs you'll have...our God is Awesome!!

And that was just the first night...we will continue to add details about God's creation over the next 3 weeks...make sure your there!!!


Unknown said...

nice job Aaron!!! =] btw you spelled minitries wrong on the head title!!

Aaron Cramer said...

Thanks Tori...I changed it!!