Thursday, February 25

Being a Servant at Home

From the Devos during our Ski Trip 2010
-Get on a schedule and keep it
-Volunteer to clean it
-Don't use all the hot water
-Rinse out the tub after use
Living Room/Den
-Finish Homework before TV/Internet/Video Games
-Don't get "hooked" on Media
-Turn off the light when done
-Carry stuff to your room when done
-Treat Media Equipment with care
-Take out the trash - when needed
-Come 10 min. early - ask to help!!
-Load the dishwasher
-Wash/dry dishes - once in a while
-Learn to make something and make it for everyone
-Come when Mom/Dad Calls
-Sweep the Floor
-Don't decorate in an inappropriate way
-Get an alarm clock. Use it!!
-Don't let mom have to call you down
-Never leave your bed unmade
-Know where dirty clothes go
-Keep the room picked up
-Keep the trash emptied
-Invite others in - don't make it a selfish retreat
-Invite your parents in to pray with you about hard issues
-Use hangars/dresser for clothes
-Don't ruin your testimony - what you say
-Don't put parents on the spot for a split second decision
-Don't shout at younger brother/sister
-Do homework first - make it a reward
-Read your parents signals - but don't blame them over the phone
-Answer politely
-Call your parents when you are out to give them updates
-Don't get frustrated with questions - who? what? when? how long?
-Be proud of your parents - introduce them
-Be early (getting ready and getting home)
-Discuss how it went if that is what they want...they dated too
-Don't sit on the back row
-Bring Bible without being reminded
-Sit with your fmily at times
-Give your precious $$
-Be willing/able to share one way in which you can change
-Don't talk/laugh during worship time