Monday, April 19

Advice Against Temptation

Last nights worship concert was awesome! Praise God! I am now refreshed for the week. Thanks Central Baptist Church for hosting an awesome night!

Yesterday in Sunday School we tackled one of the more difficult problems of the Christian Life...Temptation. If you have blood in your body than you struggle with temptation. Each of us struggle with many of the same temptations and some of us have specific temptations that are very specific for us. Either way others deal with the same thing. Satan would want nothing more than for you to think that you are all alone. When you think this, he is winning. We are not alone.

Here are 2 ways to combat temptation:
1. Always remember, "Every Temptation is an Automatic Invitation to Prayer." When you get on your knees in the midst of a hard temptation, Satan will flee.
2. The second is to quote Scripture. Heres my fav!!
"No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will no tlet you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it." 1Cor.10:13