Tuesday, December 28

New Years Eve All Nighter - Dec 31-Jan1

New Years Eve All Nighter
Price = $20 for the whole night!!
Meet @ church @ 7pm on Dec 31
We will go to Planet Fun in Shallotte for unlimited activities and food
Then we will return to the church for some fun and awesome games
Watch a movie, play games, etc.
Pick up time is 7am @ the church on Jan 1

Tuesday, December 14

Student Ministry Values

For years we may wonder what it takes to be a person who is growing in Jesus. Here are a few of the ways that we can live for God and grow in Him. By living these values we not only will become an awesome powerhouse for God here at church but in our own lives as well:

#1. Look at everyone with Christ-like Compassion. Matt.9:12-13, 36
#2. Reach out to others. Matt.28:19-20
#3. Sin Matters. Be careful how you live, especially among your unbelieving friends. 2 Tim. 3:16-17
#4. Stay Connected to Christ
#5. Get to know God through His Word and Prayer. Ps.119:11
#6. Obey God. James 1:22-25
#7. Hang out with those who build you up and encourage you in your relationship with Christ. Ecc. 4:9-12

Monday, December 6

Andy's Night December 13th

Andy's Night in Burgaw. Come between 5pm and Close and 10% of everything purchased will go toward our youth group at Friendly. Make sure your family friends, and parents co-workers know about this night. We love to do some great events and sometimes its just tough to pay for them. This will help you be able to do more events but pay less for them!!!! Its up to YOU....lets do it

See you at Andy's Next Monday!!!

Christmas Party

Christmas Party December 10 6pm
This will be at the Cramer's House
We will have lots of food and some awesome Christmas Games

Bring cookies for shut-in's and widows. We'd like to help make Christmas extra special for people in need. We will deliver cookies to families that need to hear that we care for them!!

Each person is a part of our church. Some just can't make it to hear the worship, message, pray with others, etc. We can go and let them know how much we care by giving them a plate of cookies, offering them a huge smile, and praying for them this Christmas.

Come on OUT!!!!!

Thursday, October 28

Costume Party

Costume Party this Sunday October 31
Games - Food - Costumes

This is the FCBC Student Ministries Annual Costume Party
Do not miss this party
Starts @ 5:30pm - You can stay until your parents pick you up...anytime
It is at the Cramer's House -- Not at the church

Bring a Snack, Side, Dessert, or Drink to the party!!!

Thanks - See you there

Aaron and Wendy

Tuesday, October 19


This Sunday Oct 24 our church is hosting a time of awesome preaching and worship on Sunday Night, Monday Night and Tuesday Night.

Pastor Rob from Triad Baptist Church (Pastor Aaron's previous pastor) will be speaking.

He is an awesome man of God and this is a time you can't miss.

We'll see you there!!

Wednesday, September 29

Cookout and Youth Church @ Beth's House

This Sunday Oct 3 We will meet at the church @ 5:30pm
Go to Beth Murray's House in the Van and cars (if you want to meet there and need directions please let me know)

We will eat dinner - cookout style!
Guys bring: Chips or a side
Girls Bring: a Side or Dessert

I'll provide the cookout stuff and drinks

Have your parents pick you up at Beth's @ 7:15pm or if you want to stay a bit later you can!

---Call for Directions---

Wednesday, September 22

No Sunday School and No Youth Church

This Sunday Sept 26 our church is having 1 morning worship service @ 9:45am
There will be dinner after this service!

And a concert @ 1pm


Pastor Aaron

Tuesday, September 14

Youth Worship - September 19 9:30am

First Ever Youth Worship Service on Sunday Morning - September 19
Be there at 9:30am
Services @ 9:45 and 11:00am

Don't Miss This...there will be a lot of teens there!

Sunday School Update
There is no Sunday School on Sunday Sept 19th or 26th...
There WILL be Youth Church @ 5:30pm both weeks
Questions? Don't hesitate to call, text, facebook or e mail me!

Campbell Football Game - September 18

**sign-up for this event ended Sunday Sept 12**

We leave the church @ 10:30am
Tailgate Lunch, Football Game, and Concert are included for $12
We will call your parents with a return time that afternoon

See you there!!

Thursday, September 9

Super Sunday - Sept 12 5:30pm

Super Sunday Re-Do
Rain kept us from having a blast at Super Sunday a few weeks ago.

We're at it again!!
Sunday Sept 12 5:30
Everything is Peanut Butter Themed...

There Will be a Slip and Slide as Always...See you THERE!!!!

Thursday, September 2

Labor Day Weekend

No Youth Church in the evening on Sunday Sept 5th.

We will still have Sunday School in the Morning at 11:00am!!

See you There!!

Thursday, August 26

Ice Cream August 29th

Sweet Dreams Night
This Sunday August 29th we are serving ice cream. Lets show the adults of our church how much we care by showing up to serve them ice cream,...by the way...you will get to eat the ice cream too!!

Be there at 5:30pm

See you there!!

Thursday, August 19

Super Sunday - August 22

Super Sunday - August 22 - Thats This SUNDAY!!!!

Every game is Peanuts and Peanut Butter Themed.
Make sure you bring friends!!!

Starts at 6pm on Sunday August 22


There will be 1 event that is not peanut butter themed: The Slip and Slide!

Sunday, August 8


Reminder: Youth Church will be @ the Cramers Tonight August 8

Wet-N-Wild Waterpark in Greensboro, NC
Saturday - August 14
Cost = $33.00 + the cost of food for the day
Time = we will leave the church at 8am and return around 9pm...we will call with details on the return time!

Any Questions? please call or text me anytime!!

Wednesday, July 21

Greenfield Lake Cookout - Saturday July 24

Saturday July 24
Meet @ the church @ 4:30pm
-Text Pastor Aaron or Wendy to let them know you are coming
-Plan to bring something: chips, side, or desert...Let Pastor Aaron Know
-Boat Rentals are $10/hr
---we will return to the church around 8:30 or 9pm...but we will call with a more specific time!

See you there!!!!!

Coming up:
>Sunday School is @ normal time on Sunday - 11am
>Student Church will begin at the church this Sunday...then we will go to the Cramer's after a little while.
>There will be no Student Church on August 1st.
>Wet-N-Wild trip will be on Saturday, August 14

Thursday, July 15

Youth Sunday

This Sunday is Youth Sunday....YAY
We get to tell the church about our student ministry.
Everyone who went to camp needs to be there! I can't wait to share with the church how awesome our trip to WV was.

Make sure you are there early...like 5:30pm!!

**Don't forget....No Sunday School this Sunday. One Service at 9:45am

Sharks Game and All-Nighter


Meet at the church at 6pm
Bring all you will need for the all nighter!!!!

The game is only $5


Wednesday, June 23

CAMP 2010

Camp this year will be at Alpine Ministries.
It looks like everyone that is going is signed up.

Be sure to take a look at the Alpine Ministries Web site for details and for what to bring.

We don't have a large group so this will allow us to really enjoy the activities they will have for us:
-Whitewater Rafting
-High Ropes Course

The Cost will be $150...normally $215 - thanks to the donations from our church.

4th of July Cookout

There will be a cookout on Sunday July 4th!

It will be at Beth Murray's farm. If you need directions we can help you with that, it is very easy to get to in Burgaw.

The cookout will start @ 6pm
@ 7:30 we will leave to see the fireworks in Wilmington....this will give us plenty of time to find a good spot!
Fireworks start at 9:05pm
We will return to the church around 10pm.

Parents - please let me know if you can bring anything to this...we will need: sides, drinks, and desserts. Thanks!!


We will be helping with VBS starting this Sunday Night June 27th
VBS goes from 6:15-9:00pm
We will be helping with the inflatables again this year.
The kids will enjoy 3 actvities throughout the night:
1. Craft
2. Bible Story
3. Activity time

There will also be a snack time provided.
Hope to see ya'll there!!

Awesome Job at the 5k

As you all know we had competed in the Blueberry Fest 5k last weekend. It was awesome! Other than it being an extremely early morning, our church had a huge turnout. We had a great time running the race and cheering for each other. Everybody did an awesome job!

Keep up the Good Work

Sunday, June 13

Coming Summer Events

Super Sunday - June 13 6pm @ the Church

Beach DayJune 15th meet @ church @ 10am.

Blueberry Festival 5k - June 19 (Saturday) meet @ 7am race start = 7:30am

No Youth Church on Sunday June 20 - Father's Day...Get your dad something!

Summer Camp!! July 5th-9th

Friday, May 28

Awesome time at the Movie --- Crushing News...No Zoo Trip

We had a great time on the battleship tonight watching The Wizard of Oz.

In the van on the ride back we found out that only several students could make it to the Zoo. And the few that signed up could not make it. The Zoo Trip has been canceled. If you were planning on going, and did not sign up or let Pastor Aaron know, we apologize for the inconvenience.

We have TONS of event we are planning for the summer so keep an eye out in the mail for our postcards and on this blog...we are gonna have an awesome summer together.

Keep Praising God!!
Love you Guys

Monday, May 17

Summer is Coming!!

We have started our 2 week series called back to the basics. Next week we will finish it all up...WOW amazing a series that only lasted 2 weeks...haha
We studied the story of Jesus curing the man that was blind from birth in John 9.
What an awesome story of how God created the man so that he could show others the power of God. That man was born with a weakness, a handicap from birth and it was all to show glory to God!! Wow!! what limitations or apparent weaknesses do we have that we complain about or grumnble about? These are the very weaknesses that allow others to see God in us!!

Next week we will talk a little about our future. It is unsure, but Jesus knows it all...Awesome stuff!


Asheboro Zoo TripSaturday - May 29th
We will be leaving at 8:30 am
The tickets are $10 and we will eat one meal there and one on the road home.

Youth Service - Get ready for the youth service on May 30th for the PM service
Solid Rock Cafe After church we will have a Fund Raiser for Camp. This includes desserts (deserts or desserts...IDK) and coffee after church for the adults.

1st Service at our houseJune 6th PM Service

Super SundayJune 13 PM Service

Tuesday, May 11

Back to Basics

This Sunday Night May 16th & next Sunday May 23rd we will be spending 2 weeks discussing "Back to Basics." What are 2 of the main things in our faith. We can be so distracted by life and tasks, busyness and even ministry that we lose focus on what is the real thing:

May 16th - Life is Confusing and Jesus Makes it Clear
May 23rd - Our Future is Unsure But Jesus Knows it All

May 29th Day Trip to the Asheboro Zoo
May 30th on Sunday Night we will participate in a Youth Service in the Sanctuary.

June 6th - First Summer Youth Church @ the Cramer's
June 9th - Last day of School (for Pender County)
June 13th - Super Sunday in place of youth church...this will be at the church!!

Wednesday, April 28

Saturday, May 1

Downtown Wilmington and Serpentarium

This Saturday May 1 We will be headed to downtown Wilmington and to the Cape Fear Serpentarium.
Admission to the Serpentarium = $8.00
+ the cost of food downtown.
Meet at the church @ NOON.
We will be back around 5 or 6pm...we will call parents with the exact time

Thursday, April 22

Whats Coming Up?

Sunday April 25

Come on over to the Cramer's house after church
We are having a Fire Night...
Come and chill around the campfire while enjoying S'mores and Dough boys.

Saturday May 1

We are headed to Downtown Wilmington and the Cape Fear Serpentarium!!
Time: Noon till around 5pm
Price: $8 admission fee to the serpentarium + cost of food while in Wilmington.

If you have any questions please call!!

NOTE: If you are planning to run the Blueberry Festival 5K don't forget to train for this. I have training schedules that start on April 26th...MONDAY!! Also, the entry fee is $20 so start saving.

Monday, April 19

Advice Against Temptation

Last nights worship concert was awesome! Praise God! I am now refreshed for the week. Thanks Central Baptist Church for hosting an awesome night!

Yesterday in Sunday School we tackled one of the more difficult problems of the Christian Life...Temptation. If you have blood in your body than you struggle with temptation. Each of us struggle with many of the same temptations and some of us have specific temptations that are very specific for us. Either way others deal with the same thing. Satan would want nothing more than for you to think that you are all alone. When you think this, he is winning. We are not alone.

Here are 2 ways to combat temptation:
1. Always remember, "Every Temptation is an Automatic Invitation to Prayer." When you get on your knees in the midst of a hard temptation, Satan will flee.
2. The second is to quote Scripture. Heres my fav!!
"No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will no tlet you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it." 1Cor.10:13

Tuesday, April 13

Shane & Shane Concert - April 18th

FREE Shane and Shane Concert
Meet at Friendly on Sunday April 18 @ 4pm
Located at Central Baptist Church in Dunn, NC
Return @ 9:30pm
**Bring some $$ for food!!!
See you there!

Wednesday, April 7

This Weekend April 10 and 11

April 10
-We will be running 2 miles (VERY slow) this Saturday, training for the Blueberry Festival 5K (3.1 miles)...meet at the Cramer's at 1:30pm.
**we will not meet downtown for the serpentarium due to the azalea festival...we will reschedule this event.

April 11
-Sunday School is at 11am in the back mobile unit!!
-Youth Church is normal time, normal place...6pm in the chapel
-There is a PARENT MEETING after evening youth church in the chapel.
Snacks are provided...please make sure your parents are there!!

Tuesday, March 30

Newsletter and Upcoming Events

Keep an eye out for this Newsletter in your mailbox...make sure your parents take a look at it.

Couple things:
1. Thursday - April 1 - NOON we will run 2 miles (VERY slow)as a group...meet at the Cramer's house
2. Saturday - April 3 - We are helping during Family Fun Day...Come support the kids of our church and community!!
3. Sunday - April 4 - Resurrection Celebration (No PM Youth Church)
4. Saturday - April 10 - Downtown Wilmington and Serpentarium (Details will follow)
5. Sunday - April 11 - There will be a Parent Meeting after Youth Church in the Chapel...Tell your parents there will be SNACKS...woo hoo!!!!
6. Sunday - April 18 - Shane & Shane Concert @ Central Baptist Church, Dunn, NC
(Again, Details will follow)

Keep an eye out for updates on here through the next few weeks. Spring is a time for TONS of events so don't miss them
-Pastor Aaron
PS Enjoy your spring break!!!

Wednesday, March 17

Spring/Summer Calendar

This Sunday Youth Church will be normal..in the Chapel @ 6pm.
See you there!!

I've worked this week on organizing the Spring/Summer Calendar.
(Thanks for all the AWESOME ideas from last Sunday Night)
We are gonna have an awesome year this year. Those events will all be posted on this blog so keep an eye out!!

-Pastor Aaron

Thursday, March 11

Sunday March 14 and Spring Events

Sunday Night will be Student Church as usual...6pm in the Chapel!!
Bring your Bibles and a passion to learn about God.

This spring we are looking for some event ideas. If you have any you would like to make please e mail or call me or you can just comment on this post.
Thanks Guys

Also, don't forget that Summer Camp is coming we will have sign ups starting this Sunday.
And we are going to be running the Blueberry Festival 5k (3.1mi). Let me know if you plan to run and we will start our training. Anyone can do it...they also allow walkers if your interested in that!!

Have an awesome weekend.
Pastor Aaron

Thursday, March 4

Sunday Night - March 7

Party at the Cramer's House after church on Sunday Night March 7th.
Food and games will be provided. All you have to bring is...yourself.

Monday, March 1

Thanks for last night

Thanks to all of you guys that showed up to support the Student Ministry at Friendly last night. I've heard a lot of awesome things from the church about the Youth Group. Keep an eye out for up coming Spring Events. Also, Summer camp is just around the corner! Something to be saving for.

Have an awesome Week
Pastor Aaron

Thursday, February 25

Being a Servant at Home

From the Devos during our Ski Trip 2010
-Get on a schedule and keep it
-Volunteer to clean it
-Don't use all the hot water
-Rinse out the tub after use
Living Room/Den
-Finish Homework before TV/Internet/Video Games
-Don't get "hooked" on Media
-Turn off the light when done
-Carry stuff to your room when done
-Treat Media Equipment with care
-Take out the trash - when needed
-Come 10 min. early - ask to help!!
-Load the dishwasher
-Wash/dry dishes - once in a while
-Learn to make something and make it for everyone
-Come when Mom/Dad Calls
-Sweep the Floor
-Don't decorate in an inappropriate way
-Get an alarm clock. Use it!!
-Don't let mom have to call you down
-Never leave your bed unmade
-Know where dirty clothes go
-Keep the room picked up
-Keep the trash emptied
-Invite others in - don't make it a selfish retreat
-Invite your parents in to pray with you about hard issues
-Use hangars/dresser for clothes
-Don't ruin your testimony - what you say
-Don't put parents on the spot for a split second decision
-Don't shout at younger brother/sister
-Do homework first - make it a reward
-Read your parents signals - but don't blame them over the phone
-Answer politely
-Call your parents when you are out to give them updates
-Don't get frustrated with questions - who? what? when? how long?
-Be proud of your parents - introduce them
-Be early (getting ready and getting home)
-Discuss how it went if that is what they want...they dated too
-Don't sit on the back row
-Bring Bible without being reminded
-Sit with your fmily at times
-Give your precious $$
-Be willing/able to share one way in which you can change
-Don't talk/laugh during worship time

Wednesday, February 24

Sunday Feb. 28...BE THERE!!

If you would like to see pics of the Ski Trip go to Chris Guertin's Facebook Page. Awesome pics!!
For Youth Church this Sunday (Feb 28) will be in the Sanctuary sharing about the ski trip. I'll have a slide show with pictures of the time we were there. And I will be speaking with the church about what we learned on the Ski Trip.

Please be there if you went on the trip or if you did not...the church loves to see how many teens are involved in our ministry so lets try to have as many as we can on Sunday Night!!

Wednesday, February 17

Ski Trip Friday Feb. 19-21

Those going on the ski trip.
Make sure you have your permission slip signed and ready to give to Pastor Aaron.
Don't forget to bring: Bible, Pen, Sleeping Stuff, $$ for food, warm clothes, and ski clothes (to stay warm and dry!)

If you have any questions at all give me a call!
my # is on the right hand column of this page.

See you Friday...we leave at 2pm!
Pastor Aaron

Tuesday, February 9

Everyone who is attending the Ski Trip Must attend church on Sunday Night Feb 14.
We will have youth church as usual. Don't forget, we leave at 2pm on Friday Feb 19. So Make sure that you are there, packed, and ready to Go!

Don't forget warm clothes, snow pants/bibs, Your Bible, and some sleeping stuff (bag/pillow/etc)

Saturday, January 30

The 9am service and ALL Sunday School Classes will be canceled tomorrow January 31, due to the possibility of dangerous roads in the morning. We WILL hold the 10:30am service with Bill Prince. See you there!

Monday, January 25


Sunday January 31 Wendy and I are inviting everyone over to our house after church.
Remember, church is @ 6pm so come on over after it and have a great time.

Sunday Feb 7 is SuperBowl Sunday.
Come to church that night and your invited to the VanVlacks house for an awesome SuperBowl party with food, video games, and of course the SuperBowl!!
Even if you hate football, come on out.

Ski Trip to Winterplace, WV - February 19-21, 2010
**Make sure you sign up to hold your spot.

Skiers = $120 SnowBoarders = $135 note that this price will go down as our church donates to the trip!!

If you cannot afford the trip just let me know, there are people that are willing to help you go skiing this year.

Your cost includes: travel, breakfast on Sat and Sunday, lunch on Sat., ski rental, ski ticket, lodging. You will need to bring some $$ for food on the way up, the way back, and at the slope!!

Any Questions? Contact Pastor Aaron any time...you know, except at like 3am!!

Thursday, January 21

This past Sunday night I kicked off a series on creation by discussing how big our God is and yet he cares for every one of us.

We mentioned things like if the earth were the size of a golf ball the sun would be 15' across. Does that not sound that big?

Well if earth were a golf ball and the sun were a school bus you could fill the entire school bus with golf balls. That's pretty big!

We didn't just talk about the sun...we talked about 4 stars in all.
Here's one more...Betelgeuse...we'll call it B.

B is 2 times as big as...not the sun...but the earths entire orbit around the sun. That is amazing! Imagine this with me for one minute. Get on a plane and fly to NYC and place the golf ball on the sidewalk outside of the empire state building, walk across the street, and look back at the ball. Imagine where you are on the golf ball. Now look up at the empire state building, and imagine 5 more on top of that. That is how big B is compared to earth. If earth were the size of a golf ball...you could fill the entire super dome with golf balls...3000 times...that is how big Betelgeuse is!!

And remember that there are Billions of gallaxies...and billions of stars...that we know of...all of them as massive as the next.

Now think about this. We look up at the sky every night and see the stars. We know they are massive and far away...but the same God that created the earth and the birds and people and the oceans and the mountains...the same God that formed the Bible...breathed out the stars. Ps.33:6 he didn't need to do anything but speak and all the stars proceeded from his mouth. Now that is amazing.

that same God made you...75 trillion cells each of which contains 6 feet of dna. If you were to take the DNA from your body and stretch it out you could go to the moon and back...175 times. Our God is amazing. Oh and by the way...did you know that the day you were conceived all of that DNA was contained in one cell. And that DNA contains every piece of information about you.

When you were 3 days old...in your mom that is...you were only 16cells and you could fit on the tip of a safety pin. For Real...And God knows what your personality is like, your smile, the color of your eyes, how many hairs you'll have...our God is Awesome!!

And that was just the first night...we will continue to add details about God's creation over the next 3 weeks...make sure your there!!!

Monday, January 11

This Sunday January 17th we will be hosting a sleep over/all nighter at the Cramer's.
Come ready to chill out, play board games, watch movies, and if you so choose...fall asleep!!
Pastor Aaron

Please call or text with questions!

Tuesday, January 5

WinterJam Concert January 9th

We Leave @ 3:00pm
Bring $10 for the concert and cash for dinner
We will return @ 11:00pm...if this time changes we will contact the parents!!
-Pastor Aaron